french school ouicommunicate

What are the course contents?

Let's talk about it!

The OuiCommunicate course offers so much, it’s actually hard to present in any simple way!

To help you properly visualize, we have laid out all the topics of the course and their purpose.

Whichever of the 3 course options you go for, this is what you will access.

(We accept no responsibility for the students who might get unusually good at French.)

Full course contents





Tenses / Conjugation

  1. Introduction to French Conjugation

Introduction to the logic of French tenses and what we commonly call ‘conjugation’

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 05:43 mins

Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

 2. Present tense of ER verbs

Introduction to the Present tense with the so-called “ER verbs”.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 15:23 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

3. Change of stem of ER verbs


Understanding when the stem changes slightly in the Present tense. Ex: Appeler / J’appelle (Double “L” has appeared)

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 06:26 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

4. Present tense of IR verbs

Let’s understand the second group of the French verbs in the present tense. Ex: courir / partir…

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 12:31 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

5. Present tense of RE verbs

Let’s understand the third group of the French verbs in the present tense. The RE verbs. Ex: comprendre, dire, rendre…

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 17:45 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

6. Present tense of OIR verbs

Let’s understand the fourth group of the French verbs in the present tense. The OIR verbs. Ex: pleuvoir, vouloir…

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 09:08 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

7. Recap of the present tense in French

Have you understood the present tense? let’s make sure with this in-depth recap!

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 09:18 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

8. The first past tense “Passé Composé”

We cover the 4 classes of verbs of this crucial past tense, including the verbs that take “ETRE”. Ex: J’ai mangé / Je suis parti…(I have eaten / I ate / I left)

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 39:34 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

9. The second past tense “Imparfait” Part 1

In this first document we learn how to use the second past tense in French. Ex: Je marchais (I used to walk / I was walking)

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 20:40 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

10. The second past tense “Imparfait” Part 2

Let’s make quite sure we understand the “imparfait” past tense. Here we specifically focus on the irregular verbs.

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 12:24 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

11. The third past tense “plus-que-parfait”

Less used in English, this third past tense is the equivalent of “I had done” or “I had seen”. Let’s learn all about it!

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 13:24 mins
Level: Beginner

Tenses / Conjugation

12. Using reported speech

Just as in English, reported speech is the act of embedding someone’s quote in our own sentence at a later time. Ex: He told me he HAD to leave.

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 11:51 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

13. The literary past tense “Le passé simple”

This exercise covers all there is to know about the literary past tense that is now only found in writing.

PDF: 12 pages
Video: 20:24 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

14. The “future simple” tense ” Part 1

Here we cover the future simple in French, which is the equivalent of “will”. Ex: Je mangerai / I will eat.

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 16:17 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

15. The “future simple” tense ” Part 2

Part 2 of the future simple in French. Explanations + exercises.


PDF: 14 pages
Video: 13:01 mins
Level: Mid


Tenses / Conjugation

16. The “futur antérieur” tense

This future tense is the equivalent of “I will have done” or “I will have left” in English.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 08:01 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

17. The “conditional” tense

This tense is designed to express probabilities or wishes, often based on a condition. “I would call you if… / Je t’appellerais si…”

PDF: 12 pages
Video: 21:03 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

18. The “past conditional” tense

This tense express situations in an imaginary past (which never took place) Ex: “I would have said no / J’aurais dit non”

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 11:56 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

19. The passive in French – Part 1

We use the passive to emphasize the part of the sentence that isn’t “doing” anything. Ex: The film was seen by everyone. (Le film a ete vu par tout le monde)

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 12:13 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

20. The passive in French – Part 2

Let’s make quite sure we are experts at using the passive in French by means of some drills!

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 12:46 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

21. The subjunctive tense

Almost nonexistent in English, the subjunctive finds frequent use in French and is necessary to master! Ex: Il faut que j’aille en ville (It is necessary that I go in town)

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 13:35 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

22. The subjunctive Part 2

Here we explain the subjunctive in a slightly different way and provide extra exercises and explanations to become true experts of this tense!

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 20:55 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

22. The past subjunctive

The past subjunctive finds no easy equivalent in English and expresses an action that has to be done by a certain point in time. (Ex: Il faut que je sois parti avant 4h / I need to have left before 4PM)

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 11:17 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

23. The imperative tense

We use the imperative to give orders or make suggestions. In this worksheet, we cover the topic fully, including negatives and reflexives! Ex: Don’t rest ! Ne te repose pas !

PDF: 15 pages
Video: 15:34 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

24. The past imperative

Yes, the imperative can also be used with a few verbs in the past! It would be equivalent to saying: “Be gone before I come back / Sois parti avant mon retour!”

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 05:14 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

25. Modal Verbs part 1

We start off our exploration of the verbs pouvoir, devoir, falloir, vouloir and see how to use each.

PDF: 12 pages
Video: 14:11 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

26. Modal Verbs part 2

How do pouvoir, devoir, falloir, vouloir behave in all the other tenses? This is what we will find out!

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 14:20 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

27. Infinitive Verbs

Much more noticeable than in English, an infinitive is a verb before it has been conjugated. But how is it used in a sentence?

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 13:44 mins
Level: Mid

Tenses / Conjugation

28. The past Infinitive

Here we bring out the big guns! A past infinitive is equivalent to “After having eaten / Après avoir mangè”

PDF: 15 pages
Video: 23:29 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

29. Double verbs

In French, we often stick 2 or 3 verbs together such as: “Je regarde passer le train / I am looking at the train go by”.

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 09:52 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

30. Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are a much larger topic than in English amd deserve to be studied properly.Ex: Je me cache / I am hiding (myself)

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 18:56 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

31. Passive Reflexives

Passive Reflexive verbs are a French formula that is used to state “life principles” such as “Le Nutella se mange avec du pain / Nutella is eaten with bread.” 

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 09:56 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

32. Reflexives in other tenses

In this exercises, we make sure to cover the reflexive verbs in as many tenses as there are. 

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 18:58 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

33. The gerund

The “gérondif” is a very handy tense that enables us to express 2 actions at once. Ex: Elle parle en mangeant / She speaks while eating”.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 10:14 mins
Level: Advanced

Tenses / Conjugation

34. The past participle

This rather literary tense expresses sentences such as “Having waited for 2 hours, he left / Ayant attendu 2 heures, il partit.”

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 06:40 mins
Level: Advanced


1. The gender of nouns

What does gender mean in French?  And is there any way of predicing when to use Le/La?

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 06:57 mins
Level: Beginner


2. Agreement of the verb

In French, the verb must reflect the subject. But it all depends if the COD is before or after the verb! In “Les promesses que j’ai faites”, the feminine/plural word “promesses” is indeed in front !

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 08:31 mins
Level: Advanced


3. The negative “ne…pas”

Using “ne pas” is much more complex than a simple negative sentence. This is why we have 16 pages and one of our longest videos!

PDF: 16 pages
Video: 20:38 mins
Level: Advanced


4. Further uses of “ne”

“Ne” isn’t just used in typical negative sentences…we also have the matter of the “restrictive ne” as in “The house is bigger than I thought / La maison est plus grande que je ne le croyais”.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 06:47 mins
Level: Advanced


5. Articles and possessives

In this exercise, we introduce you to basic articles (Le/La?Les) and to possessives (My.your…) We also look at the rules of pronunciation, especially in the plural!

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 16:09 mins
Level: Beginner


6. Expressing possession

In this exercise, we only look at possession in French to make quite sure we understand it all!

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 07:17 mins
Level: Beginner


7. Demonstratives

Here we cover all there is to know about French demonstratives: “Ce, cette, ces”, as well as the use of -là and -ci.

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 10:45 mins
Level: Beginner


8. Pronouns

From the personal pronouns (je, tu, il…) to the direct and indirect (me/leur) this document covers the whole topic extensively.

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 18:21 mins
Level: Beginner/Mid


9. Pronouns EN/Y part 1

Learning how to master the pronouns EN/Y is a necessity in French, which is why they deserve their own exercise.

PDF: 1o pages
Video: 10:01 mins
Level: Mid


10. Pronouns EN/Y part 2

We go even more in depth into EN/Y and meticulously look at each of their use and which parts of the sentence they can replace.

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 17:41 mins
Level: Advanced


11. Movement of pronouns

French pronouns don’t stay in the same place they do in English. They may also change according to whether they are direct or indirect!

PDF: 16 pages
Video: 18:48 mins
Level: Mid


12. Pronouns qui/que

This exercise only looks at the use of the relative pronouns qui/que/dont. Ex: Le livre dont je te parle/The book that I’m telling you about.

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 14:50 mins
Level: Mid


13. Lequel/laquelle

The pronouns lequel/laquelle translate to “which” in English but aren’t always used in the same way!

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 08:03 mins
Level: Mid


14. Auquel/duquel

The pronouns lequel/laquelle mean “of which” and “to which” and are used with specific verbs.

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 11:59 mins
Level: Mid


15. Feminine adjectives

Here we look at the feminine adjectives that change completely from the masculine and also examine the rules of pronunciation.

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 10:40 mins
Level: Mid


16. Comparisons part 1

How do we compare 2 things in French? And how do we say that something is “the most” or “the least”? This what we will learn.

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 16:02 mins
Level: Mid


17. Comparisons part 2

In this exercise, we make quite sure we know all there is about making comparisons in French.

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 10:40 mins
Level: Beginner


18. Asking questions

Here we learn how to formulate a question in French, including “est-ce que”, “comment” and all the others!

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 12:45 mins
Level: Beginner


19. Hearing questions

This exercise is only based on rising and falling tones to make sure you recognize that someone is asking a question.

PDF: /
Video: 12:30 mins
Level: Mid


20. The plural

Here we cover all there is on the plural in French. Or at least, the plural of words we actually use!

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 16:39 mins
Level: Beginner


21. Prepositions

Here we go through all the French prepositions one by one and propose examples of sentences for each. (Dans, avec. hormis. par…)

PDF: 16 pages
Video: 12:03 mins
Level: Beginner