Online French school

I need a plan to learn French

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French classes in leicester
French classes for American expats
French teacher

And a plan ye shall have.

Hi, I'm Chris. Head teacher at OuiCommunicate.

We're home to speakers of English who wish for a step up from traditional French classes by means of bilingual learning.

If you're looking for a structured way to learn French with a plan we have one in store.

I hope our offer meets your needs!

If your French teacher doesn't quite "get" you

If you need flexible bookings

Try an English-to-French bilingual school

We can make your life easier!

Who are we?

How does it work?

Our Plan to Learn French

On this website we have videos and exercises that cover all the skills a student would reasonably ever need. Our approach is to explain how French works and to provide you with the tools to understand the logic of French.

We cover conjugation, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

We provide you with the essentials tools. Think of it that way.

Next, we took all this learning material and divided it into a number of classes and came to 40. If you do your homework and follow the plan, 40 classes later you would have covered all the skills required to say that you have properly studied French.

Naturally, this is a plan that works in theory but can also work  in practice, depending on individual circumstances. (How familiar you are with French, how much time you have etc)

However long it takes you, the Plan is still there. Perhaps it will take you 60 classes, but the contents of the plan won’t change.

If you are looking for structure and certainty, then we are in the position to offer you a plan of action. In all reality, it’s a lot more than a lot of schools seem to offer.

You can discover the exact details of the Plan by clicking on the button below.

Become our next "success story"!

The lady in this video is originally from NY and wished for us to help prepare her move to France.

Today, she is fluent and happily lives in France where she meets new people and uses French daily.

The “secret” to her success is nothing more than what we offer you: the same learning material and the same approach.

But don’t take our word for it: read the review she wrote for our Google Business page!

Book a free Q&A!

No preparation needed

Wish to know more? Phone Chris now or send a Whatsapp message to +1 860-339-6480.

You can book a trial class with no preparation through the booking calendar.

No French skills needed!

Classes are on Skype for reasons of convenience.

Find us on Skype at:


French in Leicester