Part 1: Meet your teacher
Chris is a qualified teacher with a Master’s degree in Literature and Linguistics and a postgraduate certificate in Education. His 6-year university course was taught in French, English and German. He was born in a bilingual family where he learned French and English as a native.
He is of English and European culture and has been exposed to French and francophone culture since his earliest childhood. He teaches French as a first and as a second language and also teaches English as a first and as a second language.
Pictured Below: Bachelors and Masters degrees
Pictured Below: Qualified Teacher Status for the UK, 3xTEFL, Qualified teacher for Europe (blue)
The diplomas above indicate 3 blue horizontal qualifications which are my Bachelors, my Masters and my teaching qualification for high schools in Europe.
I have the QTS that allows me to teach in UK schools. I have 3 different Teacher of English as a Foreign Language certificates (Business English, 120 Hours and Online)
I am currently booked to pass the American Praxis test for English to qualify as a high school English teacher for the State of CT. I am also booked to pass the French ACTFL test that will show my native level. Following the completion of these tests, I will be a qualified teacher in the USA, the UK and in Europe. I am also qualified to teach German.