K12 French tutoring

About our French School

Our French school specializes in teaching French to 40+ learners who want results and a no-failure program.

See the lady in this video? She started from zero, did the exercises on the website and learned French.

She’s still doing French with us today in 2025 and we read classic French literature together in class.

With us, she found the necessary structure and a home to learn French.

Chris French teacher ouicommunicate

Hi, my name’s Chris – you might recognize me from Youtube!

For more info about myself and my qualifications, please click here:

A no-failure program?

This is not a marketing tactic nor a deceitful promise. There is no fine line text either. We say it and we mean it: follow our guidance and French is yours.

Our French program has been in development since 2018. There is no revising that we could bring to make it better. It is final and it works.

You have French entirely in the grasp of your hand. Do as we advise and know French. What a beautiful prospect: a whole new language! Yes, indeed. 

The only person in the world capable of preventing you from knowing French is yourself. Commit to doing the work and you can know French in under a year.

What makes sense to a speaker of English?

A big distinguishing factor of our school is bilingualism. Your teacher is a genuine native speaker of both French and English.

Each of our exercises was designed by asking the question “what would make sense to a speaker of English?” It makes your road easier because the information is presented by taking into account your identity.

Very few people can claim to reach true bilingualism. And less still end up teaching those languages as professionals. The skill we propose to you is one that is rare and powerful when used properly.

A strong factor in the failure of our students’ previous experience with French was the lack of bilingualism. All their learning had been organized following what makes sense to a French person. What a silly thing to do, n’est-ce-pas? We think so too.

As native speakers of English ourselves we know how you process language. As trained teachers of English we know this all the more.

There is no reason for a speaker of English to learn French following a method designed by a francophone person. It doesn’t and likely has never worked.

Our classes explained

If you’ve ever attended a language class in a school you will know that it is a time consuming and slow process. You often left the class not sure what you learned despite it being quite entertaining.

You probably realized that the school was employing freelancers who weren’t quite as invested in your learning. Worse still, they might have been native francophones teaching you French according to what makes sense to them.

OuiCommunicate made several big changes. Firstly, we are not in the business of selling “time”. We sell skill, first and foremost.

For this reason, we don’t charge beginners by the hour. We organize short “meetups” to check your understanding of our French program. These meetups take place whenever you feel comfortable. You can literally stretch the value of each class by bringing with you hours of background work. We will be waiting by with a list of questions to make sure you have understood.

You purchase access to our resources for a period of 6 months, during which time you can use your 15 meetups as you wish. When you get to the end of them, you either have the choice to do more of the same or to try conversing with a teacher. (Plan 2 lower down on this page)

We base our classes on the actual human capacity to focus for 20 mins straight. Shorter classes for a targeted evaluation of your French skills.

There is a starting point and an end point to our program. You could even do it all in 40 classes if you have the desire. (Visit the plan here.)

Whichever learning plan you choose, you will be welcomed as an individual who matters to us. We are interested in your backstory, your trials and tribulations learning French, as well as your hopes.

We are university-qualified Linguists, teachers, native speakers of English and of French and we wish to make your success a reality.

Click on our Learning Plans:

Book a free class

You can book a French class now.

We will meet on this website. Top of the page you will see CLASS. When you have the password, you will be able to log into our virtual class.

And even before that, we are happy to phone you to learn about your current level of French.

Let me tell you a little story...

I’m the holder of a Masters in German linguistics and Literature and I will make the claim that I will never forget my German. That’s because my learning was based on understanding and reasoning. I can always fall back on it and self-correct.                                                

I learned it this way because I was 35 by the time I heard my first word of German.  My college did not properly explain that there weren’t actual classes to get us familiar with the language. We went straight to the literature.                      

At one point, I had 2 months over the Summer to explain German to myself before I failed my year. This is when I knew I had to find structure.               

When I eventually spoke it at the oral exams, I discovered that practice didn’t matter. Speaking is not the problem. The real task is knowing how the language functions. I saw that speaking is not the tool by which we learn.

Everything you believe about French, I probably believed about German. The main concern being “I have no one to speak to!” I tried all manner of conversation partners which turned out to be a waste of time. The real need was to learn skills, not to engage in random conversations.

During our French classes, we will make sure that you know the foundational principles of French. Just as I did with German. There will be no clutter and we will go straight to the essentials. We will build a solid tree trunk on which the branches can hold.

One last thing. my German isn’t that great unfortunately. Not for lack of study but because I never found that magical teacher  who was a native of English and of German. I never had that person who understood my world and theirs equally well. But this, I can do for you in French. I know your world of Engish and I know the French world as a native of two languages.

Two videos for an in-depth understanding:

Explore our resources

How we use bilingualism

French in Leicester