Online French school

Course contents Part 2

Let's talk about the rest!

There’s so much you can learn in the OuiCommunicate course that we had to spread it over 2 pages!

True story: it was slowing down the website to such an extent that we needed to create a second page.

Here we look at Vocabulary and Pronunciation.

(We accept no responsibility for the students who might get unusually good at French.)


1. Essential Verbs 1 and 2

For those not sure where to begin, these 2 lists are the verbs we recommend memorizing as a priority.

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 02:20 mins
Level: Beginner


2. Verb Builder 1 and 2

We have listed the essential French verbs and built 9 conjugation exercises along with pictures to memorize them.

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 03:50 mins
Level: Beginner


3. Verb Builder 3 and 4

We have listed the essential French verbs and built 9 conjugation exercises along with pictures to memorize them.

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 03:38 mins
Level: Beginner


4. Verb Builder 5 and 6

We have listed the essential French verbs and built 9 conjugation exercises along with pictures to memorize them.

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 03:38 mins
Level: Beginner


5. Verb Builder 7 and 8

We have listed the essential French verbs and built 9 conjugation exercises along with pictures to memorize them.

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 03:21 mins
Level: Beginner


6. Verb Builder 9

We have listed the essential French verbs and built 9 conjugation exercises along with pictures to memorize them.

PDF: 3 pages
Video: 01:52 mins
Level: Beginner


7. EN/FR verbs 1 to 5

In the exercise, we take the English verbs that are identical to the French ones and build a vocabulary exercise around them. In this exercise: 60 verbs.

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 11:02 mins
Level: Beginner


8. EN/FR verbs 6 to 10

In the exercise, we take the English verbs that are identical to the French ones and build a vocabulary exercise around them. In this exercise: 60 verbs.

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 11:32 mins
Level: Beginner


9. EN/FR verbs 11 to 15

In the exercise, we take the English verbs that are identical to the French ones and build a vocabulary exercise around them. In this exercise: 60 verbs.

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 11:30 mins
Level: Beginner


10. Spatial Locations

This exercise helps us express spatial positions with words such as “under/on/between…”

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 04:55 mins
Level: Beginner


11. Numbers and counting

This extensive exercise looks at all numbers in French including pronunciation. We list absolutely everything up to the millions.

PDF: 17 pages
Video: 26:15 mins
Level: Mid


12. Duration and frequency

What is the French way of saying “2 miles away” or “3 times every hour”? This is exactly what this exercise covers.

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 13:54 mins
Level: Mid


13. Telling the time

How do we say “half past” or “quarter to” in French? And what about the 24 hour clock?

PDF: 14 pages
Video: 17:16 mins
Level: Mid


14. Verbs several meanings 

Many French verbs have several meanings such as “rendre” which means to give back but “se rendre” means to surrender.

PDF: 17 pages
Video: 25:02 mins
Level: Mid


15. Verbs with -RE prefix

An exercise you won’t find anywhere else! Many French verbs are liable to take “-re” as in “refermer” (close again) or renvoyer (to send back).

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 16:54 mins
Level: Advanced


16. Verbs with -EN prefix

Another exercise you won’t find anywhere else! Many French verbs are liable to take “-en” as in “enneiger” (snowed in) or “enterrer” (to bury).

PDF: 16 pages
Video: 13:52 mins
Level: Advanced


17. Causes and consequences

This exercise focuses on using “because” or “due to”: parce que / du à / grâce à…

PDF: 12 pages
Video: 13:01 mins
Level: Mid


18. Conjunctions

Conjunctions show the relations between words: et, alors, si…They are one of the 8 types of words and a crucial skill to master!

PDF: 11 pages
Video: 12:46 mins
Level: Mid


19. Prepositional expressions

Prepositional expressions exercise 1 and 2 examines the use of preposition-based expressions such as “à haute voix” or “au secours”

PDF: 13 pages
Video: 10:27 mins
Level: Mid


20. Prepositional expressions

Prepositional expressions exercise 3 and 4 examines 30 more preposition-based expressions.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 06:45 mins
Level: Mid


21. Prepositional expressions

Prepositional expressions exercise 5 and 6 examines 30 more preposition-based expressions.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 06:19 mins
Level: Mid


22. Similes with “comme”

This video exercise lists the 31 most frequent expressions based on comparisons. Ex: as thin as a rake/ Maigre comme un clou.

PDF: /
Video: 15:24 mins
Level: Mid


23. French expressions 1

This video exercise lists 25 commonly-used expressions in French.

PDF: /
Video: 16:14 mins
Level: Mid


24. French expressions 2

This video exercise lists 25 commonly-used expressions in French.

PDF: /
Video: 16:14 mins
Level: Mid


25. French expressions 3

This video exercise lists 25 commonly-used expressions in French.

PDF: /
Video: 16:14 mins
Level: Mid


26. French expressions 4

This video exercise lists 25 commonly-used expressions in French.

PDF: /
Video: 16:14 mins
Level: Mid


27. Adjectives as nouns

Just as in English, French sometimes allows to use adjectives as nouns. Ex: The wounded/the brave…

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 13:15 mins
Level: Mid


28. French slang

This exercise examines the “soft” slang that is used in everyday French. (non-vulgar!)

PDF: /
Video: 10:17 mins
Level: Mid


29. Flashcards: the bathroom

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 40 terms relating to the bathroom.

PDF: /
Video: 06:29 mins
Level: Beginner


30. Flashcards: school

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 50 terms relating to the school and office..

PDF: /
Video: 08:16 mins
Level: Beginner


31. Flashcards: The kitchen

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 55 terms relating to the kitchen.

PDF: /
Video: 08:54 mins
Level: Beginner


32. Flashcards: The house

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 60 terms relating to the house and garden.

PDF: /
Video: 09:34 mins
Level: Beginner


33. Flashcards: urban areas

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 65 terms relating to the house and garden.

PDF: /
Video: 10:23 mins
Level: Beginner


34. Flashcards: shops

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 60 terms relating to shops and purchases.

PDF: /
Video: 09:34 mins
Level: Beginner


35. Flashcards: The bedroom

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 60 terms relating to the bedroom.

PDF: /
Video: 08:04 mins
Level: Beginner


36. Flashcards: Clothes

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 70 terms relating to clothes.

PDF: /
Video: 11:21 mins
Level: Beginner


37. Common animals

From cats to birds, this video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 55 terms relating to common animals.

PDF: /
Video: 08:51 mins
Level: Beginner


38. Tropical animals

From alligators to lions, this video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 30 terms relating to tropical animals.

PDF: /
Video: 04:58 mins
Level: Beginner


39. Aquatic animals

From seagulls to starfish, this video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 35 terms relating to aquatic animals.

PDF: /
Video: 05:44 mins
Level: Beginner


40. Insects

From flys to caterpillars, this video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 35 terms relating to insects.

PDF: /
Video: 05:44 mins
Level: Beginner


41. Professions

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 65 terms relating to the names of professions.

PDF: /
Video: 10:21 mins
Level: Beginner


42. Tools

This video exercise allows you to target your French vocabulary. In this video, 50 terms relating to the names of tools.

PDF: /
Video: 08:03 mins
Level: Beginner


1. Introduction to French

We start you off slowly with an introduction to the basic sounds of French with just 4 sounds.

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 10:08 mins
Level: Beginner


2. Sounds and Letters

The Sounds and Letters of French examine all letters and combinations to see how they relate to sounds.

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 13:56 mins
Level: Beginner


3. Sounds and Letters

The Sounds and Letters of French examine all letters and combinations to see how they relate to sounds.

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 13:56 mins
Level: Beginner


4. Combinations of Letters

To make quite sure how the pronunciation of French works, and more in-depth list.

PDF: 5 pages
Video: 14:12 mins
Level: Beginner


5. Liaisons part 1

Liaisons are the extra sounds we place in between words in French and are crucial to proper speaking.

PDF: 6 pages
Video: 11:50 mins
Level: Mid


6. Liaisons part 2

Liaisons are the extra sounds we place in between words in French and are crucial to proper speaking.

PDF: 10 pages
Video: 20:09 mins
Level: Advanced


7. Intonation

The intonation of French follows very different rules from English. Let’s see how it works!

PDF: 8 pages
Video: 11:49 mins
Level: Advanced


8. Disappearing Letters 1

You won’t find this exercise anywhere else! Here we list all the letters of French that are liable to be silent!

PDF: 15 pages
Video: 31:20 mins
Level: Advanced


9. Disappearing Letters 2

You won’t find this exercise anywhere else! Here we list all the letters of French that are liable to be silent!

PDF: 9 pages
Video: 18:54 mins
Level: Advanced


10. Tous and Plus

This targeted exercise examines how to pronounce Tous and Plus.

PDF: 7 pages
Video: 09:19 mins
Level: Mid


11. Basics of intonation

We look at the basics of French intonation on a sentence level.

PDF: 3 pages
Video: 12:14 mins
Level: Mid


12. Similar Sounds

This video exercise takes us through all the similar sounds such as chevaux/cheveux and jaune/jeune.

PDF: /
Video: 14:25 mins
Level: Mid