We are well equipped to help you learn all the French you will ever need but our higher purpose is to help our students acquire a more meaningful skill.
In everything we learn and experience, there is a small lesson and a bigger lesson. We want to help our learners experience that Big Lesson about themselves.
For this reason, you will be doing most of the French learning by yourself, with our expert guidance.
This is the options where we guide you. Work by yourself with our exercises, contact us for dynamic 20-minute sessions when you feel ready. Revise notions together and make your way through the full course.Achieve victory. Be proud.
Learn French completely alone. Our French resources go into the finest detail and can serve as a standalone source of learning, or as a complement to a main source. Let us be the reliable explanation where others are vague or just "fun". You'll soon be saying "Ah, so THAT'S how it works!!!"
Our method explained:
Who we are:
French Class Pricing
Classes are 20 minutes long and include access to our learning platform.
250$ for 12 x 20-minute meetups online.
(After 48 , the last 2 are free, to make up 50)
As well as being effective, the video above left explain why we are indeed much more affordable than the traditional tutoring rates.
(get your pocket calculator out!)
Students access 20+ hours of teaching on video as well as over 800 pages of PDF. Online assistance for questions included.
In-person French classes
You have the option to book face-to-face French tutoring
here in beautiful Farmington, CT!
Ask us for a personalized quote!
66 Cope Farms road. 06032 CT
Book a trial Class
Wish to know more? Phone Chris now or send a Whatsapp message to
+1 860-339-6480.
You can book a trial class with no prior contact through the booking calendar.