french school ouicommunicate

French for Gifted Learners

French teacher

Hi, I'm Chris. Head teacher at OuiCommunicate.

We're home to speakers of English who wish for a step up from traditional French classes by means of bilingual learning.

Our flexible approach to booking, as well as a "no class" learning method works particularly well with faster learners.

Learn as fast as you wish!

If your French teacher doesn't quite "get" you

If you need flexible bookings

Try an English-to-French bilingual school

We can make your life easier!

1. Who are we?

2. Why no classes?

Our approach to teaching

Our teaching of French is not specially designed for gifted learners – let’s be clear.

However, we do tick many boxes both in the structure of this learning website and in our overall philosophy on learning. Read on to see if our principles meet the needs of a gifted learner you may know.

Independence. This website was designed to offer full independence to the learner of French. There isn’t “one way” of doing things or a gradual program that works by baby steps. Learners can learn French as quickly as they choose.

Guidance. Building on the preceding point, we don’t “teach” in a dogmatic way. We advise when needed and promote an individualized and flexible approach.

Rationality. We lay out the facts as they are. No “baby teaching” will be found here. The language used is neutral and accessible to learners of all ages.

Support. We are well aware that some learners will do in 5 minutes what other take 3 weeks to digest. We have experience working with students who could understand and retain a 14- page PDF in under an hour. It is a beautiful thing to witness but it also takes the right tutor to slow down the learner when needed and make sure they properly understand.

Classes. We don’t do traditional classes in which we set the pace. All the learning material is available and the sky is indeed the limit. Our role is to check whether everything is properly understood.

Stimulation. All our learning material is designed to make French a stimulating experience. If the structure isn’t clear and logical, learners get frustrated and waste time overcoming unnecessary barriers. We offer fluidity and ease of access.

Depth. We treat each point of the French language with exhaustiveness and depth. We are ready and more than willing to engage in conversations about the French language to satisfy even the most curious minds.

Creativity. Some say that the artistic frame of mind is an outlook on life, and a certain flexibility of thinking. As musical artists ourselves, we can certainly vouch for that. This learning material was made with the necessary rigour while at the same time taught in a certain artistic atmosphere. Sometimes, a thing and its contrary can be true at the same time!

Receptiveness. Learning  is a beautiful thing and we love to be amazed. We’ll stand back and enjoy being dazzled by your new discoveries in French. What more can you teach us?

Experience. Unquantifiable as is, nothing replaces experience. We know where the learner needs to get to and have the psychology to encourage you achieve the best results. It’s all about guiding without telling!

Passion. You are in the house of a passionate francophile and linguist. We’ll keep that flame of curiosity alight for you and offer an environment where the pleasure of learning remains the priority.

Looking for French classes that can truly open the floodgates of learning?

We might just be the one!

French classes in leicester

Book a free Q&A!

No preparation needed

Wish to know more? Phone Chris now or send a Whatsapp message to +1 860-339-6480

You can book a trial class with no preparation through the booking calendar.

No French skills needed!

Classes are on Skype for reasons of convenience.

Find us on Skype at:


French in Leicester