We're home to speakers of English who wish for a step up from traditional French classes by means of bilingual learning.
Our flexible approach to booking, as well as a "no class" learning method ensures higher results and considerable time saving.
I hope you enjoy your visit here and that I'll soon meet you for some French!
If your French teacher doesn't quite "get" you
If you need flexible bookings
Try an English-to-French bilingual school
We can make your life easier!
Who are we?
How does it work?
About our classes
Thanks to the Internet, there is no more need to be present in the same room to conduct a successful language class. There are actually many reasons why in-person classes are less effective, slower and quickly lead to becoming “hobby-classes”.
Probably not the best approach if you want to learn French with intent.
OuiCommunicate is a coursework-based language school. We have the French language available for you on our website in the form of worksheets, videos and quizzes.
You only pay for the 20-minute meetups with your teacher, in which we assess your understanding of specific parts of French.
Speaking French will gradually be integrated as you develop better tools. French will be taught to you as a speaker of English, with full understanding of your background.
As a result, you can expect to build strong foundations in French to become a confident speaker. You will have all the tools to grow and develop as an independent speaker of French.
The lady in this video is originally from NY and wished for us to help prepare her move to France.
Today, she is fluent and happily lives in France where she meets new people and uses French daily.
The “secret” to her success is nothing more than what we offer you: the same learning material and the same approach.
But don’t take our word for it: read the review she wrote for our Google Business page!
Book a free Q&A!
No preparation needed
Wish to know more? Phone Chris now or send a Whatsapp message to +1 860-339-6480.
You can book a trial class with no preparation through the booking calendar.
No French skills needed!
Classes are on Skype for reasons of convenience.
Find us on Skype at:
A word about Overijse...
This page would not be complete without a word about what brought us here in the first place: Overijse, stronghold of the grape!
Over the years, I have seen some changes while other things stayed the same. The Delhaize is still the one that I used to shop at with my mum, the car wash is still there also…the petrol station opposite seems to have fallen into disrepair!
There used to be actual greenhouses in which grapes grew! And a lot more fields and farms too. The Brusselse Steenweg (main road) used to be a 3-lane road infamous for head-on collisions.
Do you know, I still remember the grand opening of the shiny new Mc Donalds? The parking lot has now turned into a jungle or close enough! The Dits “traiteur” is now only sparsely open but used to churn out the cheese and charcuterie like you wouldn’t believe!
They redid the whole town center some years ago. Before that, there wasn’t the ponds and instead there was a bus stop and a sawmill. In the Watermolen, there used to be a gym. Ah, good times!
Overijse was always a commune that housed many expats and especially in the “Marnix” area. My friends at the time went to St Johns in Waterloo or the BSB in Tervuren, the ISB in Boitsfort…Their parents often worked for Nato or Shape.
Of course, the Beefeater restaurant (what is now the Cru) was a big hit with the expat community. The closest thing to a British carvery this side of the Channel!
My favourite thing to do in is still to pick blackberries at my “secret spots” in August. I also like to cycle “the back way” to Hoeilaart and take a stroll round the chateau in the park. I lock up my bike and go for a jog opposite the once super posh restaurant Romeyer near Groenendaal.
As much as it’s changed I do believe I still know every little street and back alley. On a more practical note, I’ll be more than glad to explain more useful things such as how to read a De Lijn bus schedule (!), recycling, Gemeente matters and all the rest.